My name is Victoria. I am a reader by nature, and I have always found great comfort in books and reading. When I first found out that my husband had been cheating on me, and we decided to try to make it work, I turned to books again. I took books out of the library on infidelity and read research online.
Finding Solace
Years later, after he left and I realized how badly I had been treated, I found myself once again turning to books. I picked up an inspirational reads habit, which reminded me of the power of books. Several times I would find myself closing a book and mulling over the lesson in the last passage and being awed by the truth and power in it.
But despite my searching, I didn’t find a book that really connected for me. A lot of the memoirs I read were from women who had suffered in their relationships or marriages, but were now happily remarried. I wanted to hear from someone who was still in the trenches. Who not only remembered the agony and the struggles, but was still reeling from them.
Writing What I Wanted to Read
Since I didn’t find what I was looking for, I decided to put my pain and hard earned lessons to some use, and write what I needed. My hope is that you, dear reader, are looking for the same thing I was. And that this site will be helpful in commiserating with you, making you laugh, encouraging you to see the light in the dark, and remembering what an incredible WHOLE woman you can be.